
Workers Learn Valuable Skills At New Training Center


Center Provides Training For Next Generation of Utility Workers


In late June, a special ribbon-cutting ceremony was held in Pottersville, Michigan, to commemorate the opening of the new Power for America Training Center. Owned by the Michigan State Utility Workers Council and run by the Power for America Training Trust Fund, the facility is designed to provide Michigan’s utility workers with a high quality training center resulting in expertly trained, skilled and productive workers.

The training center contains seven classrooms and associated labs, and all the tools needed to hone skills in meter reading, gas service appliance repair, and additional natural gas and electric-related service fields. As many as 2,500 workers are expected to train at the center, since MSUWC received a commitment from Michigan’s Consumer’s Energy to do training there for the next five years.

The training center serves as a model that can be duplicated anywhere in the country, adapted, and used to train new hires for changing needs within their industries and communities.