
UWUA Power for America Training Trust Fund Opens Training Facility in Michigan


A Special Day in UWUA History


On Friday, June 20, 2014 dozens of union members, Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) board members, public officials and Consumer’s Energy representatives gathered in Potterville, Michigan for a special ribbon cutting ceremony.  The day will go down in UWUA’s history as a historic day as the UWUA’s Power for America training center opened. The facility is owned by the Michigan State Utility Workers Council and is operated and run by the UWUA Power for America Training Trust.

Hundreds of new union members and incumbent workers will go through rigorous training there for jobs at Michigan’s Consumers Energy. The need for more fulltime, in-house, union staff to do the work has never been greater and who better to train the new hires than the UWUA.

The mission of the UWUA Power for America Training Trust Fund is to provide workers with the highest quality training in an ethical, respectful and responsive manner that meets the needs of the industry and the new global marketplace. With the opening of the new Power for America training facility, UWUA will be prepared to train the next generation of utility workers to be the best trained, highest skilled, safest and most productive workers. With the training programs and new facility, UWUA will have a model that can be duplicated anywhere in the country to meet the changing needs of the industries and the communities that UWUA members serve.

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